APEC continues to confront unprecedented challenges posed by the impact of climate change. In APEC, buildings account for 24% of total end-use energy demand and thus play a crucial role in decarbonisation. With continued economic development, urbanisation and population growth across the APEC region, improving the energy efficiency of building envelopes and systems for both new buildings and the existing building stock is a fundamental pillar to achieving the APEC energy intensity reduction goal and attaining carbon neutrality.
Retro-commissioning (RCx) is a systematic and cost-effective process periodically examining the building services system and energy performance.
Alongside the APEC Project "APEC Retro-Commissioning (RCx) Hub: Training and Registration Scheme " (EWG 07 2022A), Hong Kong, China (HKC) organises an online RCx training for APEC economies to build the capacity to drive energy-efficient buildings. This website is the APEC RCx Online Training and Examination System.
- Participants are welcome to register for attending the online video courses
- After completion of the courses, participants can attend online examiantion (Multiple Choices Quiz)
- Please provide feedbacks of this event through our Online Survey Form. For details , please click HERE